How to put music over a video
You can add audio files to your video, align it on the timeline, adjust its balance and do other edits. Follow these instructions to create your unique video.
Upload video
Open Music Adding tool in your browser on your computer or a smartphone. Open file or drag and drop the video. If you need to upload multiple video files, use the Add button and select other files.
Add audio
Click Add at the bottom of the editing window to select an audio file and it'll be added as a separate track. Crop it and adjust Volume by clicking Sound. Also, you can detach audio from your original video.
Choose an output video format
Click on the gear icon next to Save to see the encoding settings. MP4 will work for the web, MKV for offline use, and MOV for Apple devices. When you're done adding music, click Save, and it'll take a few moments to produce the video.
Save and continue your work
Now you can download the video with your audio as a single file. Save it in your device's memory or share it on social media. You're welcome to continue your video editing routine and use other tools, such as Loop Video, Add Text, and others.